
MOTIVATION Commonwealth Games
Motivation Commonwealth Games

The Commonwealth Games are truly a spectacle of athletic performance. Bringing together some of the world’s top performers.

In my first international athletics event, the atmosphere trackside was truly electric. Along for the trip were Scarlett Darcy and Nicola. The girls loved the spectacle of it all.

The athletes were treated like rock stars, with spectators clamouring for autographs and clapping at every opportunity.

You don’t need to be an athletics fan to appreciate the hard work and dedication each and every competitor invested in getting to this stage.

In your business, you are a competitor in your event, looking to get the edge on the competition. To be faster, stronger, and higher in your chosen Discipline.

If you win, there is no gold medal, but a good standard of living providing the life you always dreamed of.

If you lose, the consequences could be pretty severe for you and your family.

So how do you keep motivated in your business, day in and day out, as you compete for the work?

Maintaining your motivation is essential to making progress and ultimately reaching your goal.

Stack the odds in your favour by focusing on making daily progress rather than on the “big picture” goal. Let your daily progress motivate you to improve more tomorrow.

Form a “training” strategy, and break things down into small, easily managed steps.

Using the Entrepreneurs Marketing & Sales System will help keep you on track to achieve your goals.

Give me a shout if you would like to take a look.