If You're Ready To Step Up & Finally Become A Professional Business Person...
What if building the business you really want...
Which delivers the lifestyle that you deserve...
And the freedom that you crave...
Was mapped out for you...
Step by step...
AND we helped you make it happen?

Let the Andy's Business Coaching help you become a properly professional business person.
A professional business person understands and is in control of everything that happens in their business.
A professional business person is at the helm of a business that is delivering to their T.E.R.M.S.
Scale your business to at least seven figures by turning you into a professional business person.
- No more doubt.
- No more guessing.
- No more trial and error.
- No more wasted energy.
When you're part of the Masterplan Programme, you'll know:
- Exactly what to do.
- Exactly how to do it.
- And get personal help and support to hold you accountable and get it done.
Take The First Step:
Book Your Masterplan Discovery Call
If you’re interested in joining the Masterplan Programme, click below to book your no-obligation Discovery Call.
We get to know your business, walk you through the Masterplan process, answer any questions you have and together we can discover if we’re a good fit!

The Masterplan Programme was introduced in April 2022 in response to demand following The Million Pound Masterplan event.
It’s goal is to help every member of the Programme become a properly professional business owner, at the helm of a business that is typically much larger than it was when they started on the Programme, and which crucially delivers for them, their customers and their staff.
It’s a ‘holistic’ programme which tackles all aspects of building a super-successful business – not just the marketing.
57 businesses joined the ‘Beta’ test of the Programme nine months ago and it’s fair to say that the impact and results have been spectacular. (You can read some of the comments further down this page).
What’s clear is that the comprehensive nature of the Programme – i.e. it’s not just about marketing – allied to it’s simple structure and hands on support, is ideal for many business owners.
Whether you join the Programme or not, the structure it provides is a blueprint for what all business owners need in the months and years ahead.
We’re all facing challenging times and the more skilled and professional you are as a business owner, the better equipped you will be to flourish and thrive in the turbulence that lies ahead.

Nigel Botterill
Entrepreneurs Circle - Founder & CEO
Step# 1
The first thing we’ll do is help you get crystal clear on what we call your ‘T.E.R.M.S.’
In other words what you want from your business, in terms of profits and drawings, the time and effort you’re prepared to put in, how big you really want to grow it and a whole lot more.
We’ll help you get clear on your Life Plan; the things you want to achieve beyond work – but which your business will have to pay for.
And we’ll help you establish clarity on how you should be utilising your time; the things you should be focusing on, the things you should be delegating (as all professional business people do), where your energy should go in order to deliver the business and the lifestyle that you want.

Step# 2
In step two, we’ll get deep into your business numbers.
Together we will drill deep into your numbers so that you really can both understand and be in control of your business going forward.
We’ll drive out your key numbers for you [CLUE: It’s not just Profit!!] and then help you understand exactly what your business has to do in order to deliver to your ‘T.E.R.M.S’
Step# 3
In step three, we will help you establish the right Pathway to move your business from where it is today to where it needs to be.
(based on the thinking and understanding that have emerged from Steps 1 and 2).
Those first three steps constitute what we call your Foundations.
Without clarity as to exactly what you’re trying to achieve, a deep understanding of the numbers in your business, (both now and where they need to be!) and a properly thought through and coherent strategy and Pathway, most businesses are simply doomed to repeat the same year time after time.
Once your Foundations are complete – which normally takes a few weeks – you’ll move into what we call the ‘Execution Layer’.
Step# 4
We’ll start by making sure you’ve got the right team in place
and that you create the right environment for them so they each have clarity on their roles and responsibilities, the right resources that they need to do the job so that you can then get out of their way – like all professional business people do!
Step# 5
Step five is all about cracking the Rhythmic Acquisition of Customers.
This is what the EC is best at – but until now, members have had to work their own way through our vast resources and insights to establish the right marketing pillars for them.
As part of the Masterplan Programme, we’ll do this with you. Equipped with your Pathway, that deep understanding of your numbers and absolute clarity as to what it is we’re trying to achieve, we’ll help you put your Marketing Plan in place and then execute it properly.
The difference this makes – tackling your marketing in the right context (as a professional business person does) – is revelationary for most businesses.
Step# 6
Once you’ve got the rhythmic flow of customers sorted, you have to ensure that your business delivers for them. Consistently and efficiently.
So many businesses, although well-intentioned, screw this up. They grow their customer base but then damage their reputation as they’re unable to deliver the quality and consistency of service that the business owner aspires to, but which their organisation is ill-equipped to manifest.
Not when you’re part of the Masterplan!
Our experts will guide you through the development of your Customer Journey and, even more importantly, how to implement that Journey properly within your business. Again, you work with specialists in this area to make sure you’re doing things in the very best way possible.
At the end of the Execution Layer (which takes most entrepreneurs 9 months + to implement properly – but you dictate the pace!), your role in your business will have changed markedly.
Step# 7
Your job now is to simply monitor the routine.
You’ll have the right Scorecards in place, the right management processes, with the right roles and responsibilities, clearly defined, across your whole organisation.
It’s at this point that you are beginning to be liberated – another characteristic of the professional business owner who is not tied to their business because he/she does not have a day job in the
Step# 8
Step eight in the Masterplan is when the fun really begins!
You’ll start to optimise all the elements of your business. Making the small tweaks that rapidly increase profitability.
You’ll optimise systematically, across all aspects of your business – again guided and helped by Andy’s Business Coaching
Step# 9
And then you’ll reach step nine, the point at which you really are a professional business owner.
You’ll be at the helm of a business that you not only understand and are fully in control of, but one which doesn’t tie you to a job for 60 hours every week!
Your business will be delivering the lifestyle you want, it’s paying you the money that you need to fund your desired lifestyle now, AND throwing off surplus cash to provide for your future.
You’re in proper control.
You get to choose what you do with your tomorrow…
Take The First Step:
Book Your Masterplan Discovery Call
If you’re interested in joining the Masterplan Programme, click below to book your no-obligation Discovery Call.
We will get to know your business, walk you through the Masterplan process, answer any questions you have and together we can discover if we’re a good fit!
Successful businesses don’t ‘wing it’. They don’t make it up as they go along.
Entrepreneurs Circle’s Masterplan Programme takes you on the shortest path possible to go from where you are now, to a high profit, high impact, ‘exit-able’ business that gives you the wealth and the freedom you deserve
It’s a 9-Step Programme that will transform your business and turn you into a ‘professional’ business owner with a set of skills and knowledge that will serve you for the rest of your life.
If you’re ready to go from hoping for the best and winging it to being in proper control of your business – the way a professional business owner is, then the Masterplan Programme is for you.
It’s over 12 years since Entrepreneurs Circle set out to help businesses to grow and we’ve been more successful at doing that than any other organisation ever in the UK.
But everything EC has done in our mission to help you to grow has required the business owner, that’s you, to go digging and find what you need from the overwhelmingly rich pool of resources available.
Until now.
Because properly growing a business isn’t just about having the right resources…
…it’s about implementing them – properly – in the right order.
One of our big discoveries over the last decade is that nothing slows down entrepreneurs more than this one pesky question:
“What should I be doing?”
Well having created more than 10 different £1m+ businesses in the last 15 years, one thing I know for sure is that there is a specific order to scaling your business and once you know where you are in the process and what to focus on next, you can grow your business into levels that you never thought possible.
Crucially, you can do so without sacrificing your health, your personal finances, or your relationships(!).
This is what the Masterplan is all about.
We’ve taken these predictable milestones and created a reliable, proven 9-Step Programme which any business can use to grow.
We’ve then put in place the right support and resources to hold your hand and guide you through those nine steps, one at a time, going at a pace that you set.
It’s the most comprehensive support programme that we’ve ever made available.
We give you the roadmap, the support, the accountability, the training – everything you need.
All you need to do, is work with us to follow the steps.
You can see the nine steps that make up the Masterplan Programme below.
Andy’s Business Coaching will help you step by step to progress and ‘tick off’ all of them on your journey to super-success.

Take The First Step:
Book Your Masterplan Discovery Call
If you’re interested in joining the Masterplan Programme, click below to book your no-obligation Discovery Call.
We will get to know your business, walk you through the Masterplan process, answer any questions you have and together we can discover if we’re a good fit!
The Masterplan is IDEAL for business owners:
- Who are stuck;
- Who are fed up with not making the progress they want;
- Who want to become a properly professional business owner – with skills that will serve them their whole life;
- Who want to significantly grow their income and their time off;
- Who are just starting out and want to avoid the painful mistakes that afflict so many entrepreneurs;
The Masterplan is NOT for business owners:
- Who want a quick fix – this is about doing things properly. It will take time;
- Who are desperate;
- Who are addicted to 'bright shiny objects';
- Who are 'Course Collectors' who never take action
Your investment to join the Programme and become a professional business owner – equipping you with skills that really will serve you for the rest of your life – AND at the same time transform your business into one that delivers on your ‘T.E.R.M.S’ is just £499 per month.
You’ll get your own dedicated Masterplan Coach and access to “Specialists” as you progress through each Step. In addition you’ll get input from Nigel.
There’s no contractual tie-in but you should expect to be part of the Programme for 1-2 years – and some will stay longer.
This isn’t a quick fix.
It’s about turning you into a professional business owner and your business into a wonderful entity that delivers to your T.E.R.M.S.
Those are life-changing outcomes and they will take more than a couple of months to achieve!! For the record though, you can leave at any time by giving us 30 days notice.
Take The First Step:
Book Your Masterplan Discovery Call
If you’re interested in joining the Masterplan Programme, click below to book your no-obligation Discovery Call.
We will get to know your business, walk you through the Masterplan process, answer any questions you have and together we can discover if we’re a good fit!
The Masterplan Programme Just Plain Works!
Here's what other business owners have to say:

"I might retire earlier than planned!"
"The Masterplan Programme has given me clarity I've never had before on exactly what my business needs to deliver between now and retirement for us to live the life that my family deserves."
Emma Wynne, Gateway HR

"Our Business Has Completely Transformed!"
"When my partner wanted us to join the Masterplan, I was not enthusiastic. EC has so many resources, what MORE could we possibly need? How wrong I was... I realised that on reflection, I hadn't been using my membership. It just seemed too overwhelming to get started and I always had something else to do. But since joining the Masterplan Programme, our business has been completely transformed in just a matter of months. The support and advice has already made a massive difference to our confidence and morale. We are more motivated, procrastinating less, and most importantly - growing our business! The Masterplan team are patient, knowledgeable and understanding but at the same time (thankfully!) stand for no nonsense or excuses from us. It's like having a mentor, friend and CEO to answer to all rolled up in one. If you want to actually make progress - and make progress NOW - then this is for you. I would thoroughly recommend the Masterplan to any entrepreneur wanting to take their business to the next level..."
Hayley Madden, Marvling Bros Ltd

“Just do it!”
“It's been incredible to have someone working with me during these hard times. Having not just a coach holding me accountable, but access to specialists and their input has been huge. If you're thinking about the Masterplan, stop! Just do it!”
Nermine George, Le Chalet

“It's been my lifeline...”
“The Masterplan Programme has totally transformed my business and the way I work. When I first opened my shop I thought customers would just arrive at my door... but it doesn't work like that! After the recession I was broke but thanks to EC, even after a pandemic I'm still here with a successful business that I can be proud of.”
Jayne Rees, Eve's Toy Shop

“The best choice I've ever made!”
“If you're thinking of joining Masterplan, I would do it today. It's the best choice I've ever made and it's made a huge difference in my business. It's literally unrecognisable.”
Tesla E Raessi, Boomerang Dogs

“Exactly What I've Been Craving!”
“The support. The structure. Having a team of experts holding my hand. The Masterplan Programme was exactly what I've been craving for years! It's really given me a confidence boost and a sure-fire way to succeed!”
Adele Bradbury, Madame Wax

“I've made more progress in my business in 6 weeks than I have in 2 years thanks to the Masterplan Programme!”
Angela Cox, Mindset Mentor

“The Masterplan is providing me with a template to really strengthen my business and challenge my thinking. As a former Entrepreneur of the Year winner - I've been around EC for a while now, but can say without doubt, that the Masterplan is the best programme EC have ever launched - the structure, set up, accountability - it is truly exceptional."
Sean Taylor, The Forces Group

“Finally, I Have Clarity!”
“Step 1 has helped me to get clarity on where I actually want my business to be over the next 5 years. Step 2 has helped me reverse engineer the business so I now know exactly what I need to do to get there. Step 3 has given me complete clarity over my target market, niche, ideal client, offer AND how I deliver it and Step 4 has already helped the team to have accountability for what's really important. And that's just the beginning! So if you're like me and long for clarity on not just what your business needs to do, but how you should actually do it... don't hesitate! You need to do the Masterplan.”
Keith Park, Funding Track

“The Masterplan delivers results!”
“If you're thinking about it, just do it. It's no-brainer. I've joined all sorts of programmes over the years but without a doubt The Masterplan is the only one that actually delivers the results. If you can't see how you're going to get massive ROI on the investment, then it isn't for you. But I don't know how that would be the case. I don't see how you can lose!”
James Middleditch, Digital Group Media

“Doubled my profits!”
“I was looking for a way to double my profits, increase my business, grow as a better business owner, and be guided through that process – thankfully that's exactly what the Masterplan is doing for me! The resources and support you get as an EC Member is amazing, but the Masterplan is just a whole other level!”
Natalie Roukin, Natalie Roukin Interiors

“Just What I Needed!”
“The one thing I needed in my business was direction. And the Masterplan Programme, has finally given me that clarity!”
Philip Gilkes, Kingstar Services Ltd
Take The First Step:
Book Your Masterplan Discovery Call
If you’re interested in joining the Masterplan Programme, click below to book your no-obligation Discovery Call.
We will get to know your business, walk you through the Masterplan process, answer any questions you have and together we can discover if we’re a good fit!