Fast & Furious Business Tips 🏎️

Fast & Furious Business Tips
Business Tips From The Theme Parks

Business tips from the theme parks. This time we are at Universal at the Fast & Furious ride. Just what can we learn from it?

“Hi, its Andy, with some more business tips from the theme parks.

And so here I am outside the Fast & Furious ride, at Universal.

And speed really matters in your business.

So when you get an enquiry, it’s important that you return whatevr it is, a quotation, information, with speed.

Your competitors will be sending their information as quickly.

If someone leaves you a message, you return that call within minutes.

Speed really matters within your business.

And here’s a word from my 10-year-old daughter, Darcy.

Is your business fast because if it isn’t you should be furious.”

Your business too slow? Contact me.